BLE based real-time location tracking system is the most customizable and cost-effective technology, with built in flexibility so that all kinds of assets can be located in real time. RTLS is the key technology to provide industrial safety for workers and is useful to protect the employees and visitors in cases of emergencies. RTLS is also used to measure the productivity of employees and contract workers at any site including large warehouses, industries, offices, and construction sites. Real-time location of people and critical plant and machinery is the key for efficient management. Utilization sensing – monitoring occupied spaces including elevators, work places, lobbies and meeting rooms helps create a smart building.
RTLS based people safety management for safe & energy efficient smart buildings. IoT-based people safety management solution with fall down and SOS alerts allows you to find out real-time location of people inside the buildings and also ensure their safety round the clock.
Occupancy management lets you know the presence of people in your workplaces. Real-time indoor location system is essential to acquire the positioning of employees, visitors, contractual workers, support staff through BLE tags and ID cards as wearables.
Visitor Management module of BBX Visible provides exact data on the location of the visitors inside a building. BLE based ID cards or tags as wearables help to track the movement and location of visitors inside the buildings or a premise.
Location, movement tracking, remote monitoring of people inside a building using BLE based ID cards or tags as wearables provide real-time information on how productive a person is. BBX Visible helps to acquire realtime data on movement and location of people inside the buildings.
Hot desking is the perfect solution for companies looking to optimize the office space. Hot desking and work space booking solution provides the employees to book their seats and meeting spaces in advance, from anywhere and anytime, depending on the availability.
Indoor navigation is the only technology to guide any visitor to the destination, through attractive, interactive, customizable digital screen showing turn-by-turn aid to navigate through the corridors, floors and paths, so that the visitor reaches the destination in the shortest path.
RTLS based patient safety management for safe and smooth operations in hospitals with people sense technology from Black Box protects your patient with precise indoor positioning system which offers real-time location on map ensuring patient safety 24×7.
During any emergency condition real-time indoor location system based evacuation management and e-mustering is essential safety standard, essential for any large facility, where there are a lot of people working at different corners.
RTLS based asset management system can help you make the most out of your ambulatory assets, improve asset utilization and reduce asset lifecycle costs. The predictive analytics capabilities results in reduced technology costs and improved efficiency of your business processes.
Real-time based cart and trolley tracking and management system from Black Box uses BLE beacons to acquire the granular visualization of trolleys and carts. Real-time location of trolleys and carts with asset utilization, productivity analysis of trolleys with BBX Visible IoT system.
Remote forklift monitoring and management system improves the efficiency of the warehouse operations while protecting the valuable assets. It enables you to track the real usage of your lift trucks through a remote connection and RTLS system inside the warehouse premises.
Elevators and lifts are the lifeline for any building. Black Box elevator monitoring system works with wireless sensors to capture the exact location of the elevator inside the elevator shaft, whether it is moving, stationary at a floor, or stationary between two floors.